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Zhiruitong Selected Intel ® Partner alliance titanium level member, strength certification!


With the wave of artificial intelligence + smart medical city transformation, big data has become an important research field. Shenzhen ZRT Technology has created the core of "AI acceleration + industrial graphics display technology", continuously accelerates the development of AI intelligence with artificial intelligence computing power, and promotes the better integration of artificial intelligence technology into various industries.

In the face of new technological trends, Intel® actively implements the intelligent ecological strategy. In order to promote business growth, Intel® and Shenzhen ZRT Technology further deepened the strategic cooperation plan to jointly promote artificial intelligence, Internet of Things technology, embedded hardware solutions, and shape the information industry new wave. In addition, V was once again selected as a Titanium member partner of the Intel® Partner Alliance (IPA) and issued a qualification certificate.

The Intel® Partner Alliance is divided into three levels: member, gold member and titanium member. The titanium member is the highest level partner of Intel®. Intel® has strict rating standards for partners. This time, as an Intel® Titanium member, ZRT not only has all the rights and interests of Intel® members, but also has the in-depth and professional hardware technical support from Intel® original factory.

For a long time, ZRT has been deeply cultivating in the fields of AI terminal edge integration, medical informatization, medical diagnostic equipment components and medical display, etc., and has rich vertical industry resources. Its products and solutions serve many countries and regions. Provide forward-looking services and hardware and software products according to the development direction of the industry or industry, constantly penetrate into the forefront of the market, and grasp the pulse of science and technology.

Based on Intel®'s new data center platform, ZRT has upgraded and released a variety of server products - MIN-EC05 edge computing box, MXM accelerator card graphics card, COM-E core module, etc., recreating the new pattern of IT architecture in the digital age. Through these products , users can build mature and efficient hybrid IT supporting infrastructure equipment to achieve high performance at low cost and better cope with various digital challenges.

In the future, ZRT will continue to work with Intel® to continuously deliver more valuable intelligent products integrating software and hardware to customers in vertical industries, promote the deep integration of big data development and the digital economic system, and accelerate the entry into the digital world of the Internet of Everything and the integration of software and hardware. Products have become a key hub that cannot be ignored.

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