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ZRT Team Building Day | Build team cohesion and share happy moments

While the spring is still in the air and the cool summer is not here, ZRT Team Building Day is here!

On April 15th, the sky was clear and the wind was smooth. Zhiruitong employees went to Nan’ao, Shenzhen, and carried out a variety of outdoor team building activities. In group activities, communication can be promoted, and feelings can be cultivated in unity and cooperation. Mutual help can grow together. Let's go back to the event site and have a look at the demeanor of Zhiruitong employees.

1. Gather team spirit in the name of the game

At 10 o'clock in the morning, Zhiruitong employees assembled at the destination. Under the leadership of the instructor, everyone was randomly divided into 4 groups, regardless of their titles or levels, and participated in three rounds of fun games including beating the drum and jumping the ball, running with the balloon, and pulling the rope in a circle. In the friendly and happy competition , decided the final victory group.

The three rounds of games revolved around the theme of "cooperation and win-win". In the drumming and juggling project, which tested teamwork, the whole team needed to concentrate and coordinate in the execution process to create more juggling records. Get good grades; in the balloon-clamping game that tests the tacit understanding of the team members, you can only reach the end point if you move forward in unison; in the sitting circle and pulling rope project, only when all the staff unite and unite all individuals can a team be formed A powerful force that goes forward bravely and overcomes obstacles.

Without fireworks, life is a lonely journey! The time came to 12:00 noon. After the three rounds of fun games, of course it was time for everyone to enjoy lunch and rest. Everyone used food as a medium to share the time of team gatherings, and the sense of happiness was really overwhelming.

2. The vicissitudes of life show the true qualities of the team

At 2 p.m., it will be the game that everyone is most looking forward to - Real CS! Who doesn't have a "battlefield hero" dream? As soon as the whistle blew for the real CS game assembly, everyone actively lined up and divided into groups. The speed is so fast that you can't believe it. After the instructor's explanation, everyone put on goggles and prop guns one after another, and walked into the battlefield with confidence. The team members of both sides perform their own duties, shuttling, hiding, and attacking in the hail of bullets. Each team member is experiencing the double test of wisdom and courage, and also perfectly presents the corporate culture of Zhiruitong, which is hardworking and enterprising.

After the exciting real CS, the group moved to the end of Dapeng Jiaochang, and started a relaxing and pleasant leisure journey. The friends strolled along the seaside, feeling the natural atmosphere leisurely, and enjoying the refreshing sea breeze to their heart's content . Create happy memories together.

Happy time is always short, and ZRT team building activity also ended successfully in the afternoon. This team building not only allowed the friends to spend a pleasant holiday, but also deepened and improved everyone's cohesion. In the future, everyone will apply this team spirit to their work and continue to promote Zhiruitong. Steady development!

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